Monday, January 7, 2008

Bad day.

Screwed stats test.
Stupidly helped to do something that wasnt mine.
Fuckkkk , and well , no gratitude right.
Ya , stupid as ever.

- was screaming her head off in the canteen like it was my problem.
ERGH, pls , life's never fair.
Quit grumbling.

Saw - , i guess it was fated but i duno why she gave me that hug.
Overly excited.
Well , I missed her too but ...
Oh man , I hate thinkning about the past.
I want her back as a friend - duh but i guess no ?

A very much delayed lunch but whatever.
I was appologetic about being late for hte match but well ,
It always sets in doesnt it ?

I shoudl learn to control my emotions.
Esp at a point liek this.
Omgg , what am I doing ?
But I think i'm feeling this way cause yknow.

The ride home was a long and disgusting one.
Almost died , cried cos it really was disgusting.
Hated it , Hated the thoguht that she wasnt gng home with us.

Hated everything.
Wished Charlene was there though.
& I wished we didnt become this close.

So I came home & puked like madddd ?
& The feling was just so terrible.
Looks like both nikki & I had a bad day.

So all the replies I had were from char , nikki and tiff.
& Obviously I was hoping - would msg and yeah she did.
I was happy , I think ?
But then I thought of - & Idkkk.
Confused shit ass mind.
Errrrrr ,
I wonder if it'll be awkard to see her in sch.

I guess its times liek these that I think about -.

I think i'm heading back to the c way .

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