Friday, June 27, 2008

Everyone pls say hello to the Ds !

Totallllllly distracting plsss.
I want to die.
Mondayyy is making me so OMGGG.
I canot stop looking at - during TRNG.
I am so deadddd.
I think about - when i have nothing to do.
I am really dead.

I saw Jerald ytd.
Omgggg looooks as goood as ever !
I wannna die , can totally melt.
I suck la whalauuuu.

Trng tmr , i am totally gonna embarrass myself, I wanna die :/

Menses pls go away, LOVE.

& I realise, I relate well to heem wei just that sometimes she can be a little proud but i feel more comfortable relating to her than shoes , sometimes i realyl dont know like .... all of us have been classmates for a year already but lik everyone's nonsense is only starting to come out now & alissa is omggg , srsly.WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER.

I am so tiredddd ):

I dont know if I'm looking forward to tmr actually , maybe the sun. HAHAHAH !

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Because this whole 1 weeek was so fucking annoying, i think i made the biggest mistake to liek work with my friends cause they totaalllly , sad to say , SUCK.Shuyi has been such a disappointment. Srslly , taking so long to finish up her fucking work and all , just ot acceptable , I mean i never said we all couldn play right ? But they already did the FIRST weeek , no fucking balance , no fucking responsibiity , no fucking urgency , ok fine , their life i shoudl bother right, but hello its our fucking project okay , u wana get F then get it on your own for your fucking written test la , its a damn group effort eh. Fucking make so noiling maddddddddddd , I will pray tonihgt. Sooooooooooo angry. & when she isint gona send a document then say la , akid gonna send or what , SRSLY WHAT IS WITH HER.

Nice company i must say but rlly , when its comes to standing by your friend or whatever, whaaaa srsly , i miss IJ friends.Poly friends are people who ake me feel liek they only want to have fun. Hate that.Rllly.

Should have believe wei when she talked about micro.

I swear , that SW mgt , I WILL not do with her or akid.
God knows what they've been saying but i dun care either. It doesnt really matter and i dun feel bad for pushin for the report.THEY WERE TAKING THEIR FUCKING TIME. u have trng , SO DO I . now , GO AND DIE.

And screw the track club rooom la , its a fucking sports club thing man ,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thurdays are rockersss , yknow ICCM is quite boring but HAH not realllly also.

I think Heem Wei hasevil invtentions whatsoeverrrrrr & its really getting on my nerves yknow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

i am so anoyed with heeem wei b cos i think sheis up to no gooooood.
Make use of people , whateverrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Think she is one of us ? no wayyy.

I dun really want to blog on fourmessyfingers.
Feeels so violatedddd.
I didnt see HZ today.
SAD luhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Todayyyy I found out why angela's being liek that and i feel a little upset and ashamned althoguht it reallt isint my fault bu t at the same time i feel annoyed with her cos i mean if she's chose to go with a new clique then why does eh ahave to be like this to us , i think the black faces were uncalled for.

All these politics , everyone has a complicated mind.
Char is a nice girl , I know what shaza said id true but whether it applies to me, I dont know at all.It so hard to know sometimes.Harder to even accept.What to do ?

Suddenly just feel like sitting beside zy.
Maybe that way I'll feeel better.
Maybe , or not.

I dont know if i shoudl tell shoes.Dont know how she'd react to it , will she be even more upset ? angry ? confused ?

On a seperate note , I noticed this girl , Hui Ze recently , she looks liek debbie just much much cuterrrr. I cant stop looking at ther & I go all red when we talk about herrrr.
Omgggg.Eyeeeecandy okayyyyy.Srslyyy hot bung.

And I haven seeen malcom around , where has he gone to ?
DAMN.This goood looking yr one guy I met at kayak trng.
HAHA , quite nice tooo , i think ?

The days with shoes and nathan have been relatively goooood.

Saw Tricia and Qy todayyy.
Omggg missed them & whaaa dman happy to see them please.Dk why today i was so in a rush to talk to qyyy and liek totally not go whooo hoo over tricia.HAHAHAHA .
Phrase overrr caus enow there huize !

I'm contemplating if I shoudl msg zy ,
I want to ,
but why should I ?

Where has all my setermination gone ?
I keep trying to escapeeee.
Its wronggg.
Help , I want to get back my determination.
I hate this feeeeling.

Btw , I mustttt prove to lionel teo I will stay in kayak & prove then i can bring back something for nyp.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Friday, April 25, 2008

Today I told Jill how I felt about elane's words and what it actualyl led tooo.
The feeling is really sucky & I'm starting to hate her, so much for friendship eh.
WTF u're ot even fit to be my friend so be gone I hate you.

Anyway , I'm glad I spoke to jill cause she really made me feel better & knowing that she was so angry with elaine just shows that i mean this friendship is really genuine and whats even more amazing is that we haven seens each other in at least a year but the friendship has been gng on for quite sometime already.

grant me strength pls.

tell me why that crazy girls just cant seem to leave me alone ?
Its dman fucking annnoying.