Sunday, June 22, 2008

Because this whole 1 weeek was so fucking annoying, i think i made the biggest mistake to liek work with my friends cause they totaalllly , sad to say , SUCK.Shuyi has been such a disappointment. Srslly , taking so long to finish up her fucking work and all , just ot acceptable , I mean i never said we all couldn play right ? But they already did the FIRST weeek , no fucking balance , no fucking responsibiity , no fucking urgency , ok fine , their life i shoudl bother right, but hello its our fucking project okay , u wana get F then get it on your own for your fucking written test la , its a damn group effort eh. Fucking make so noiling maddddddddddd , I will pray tonihgt. Sooooooooooo angry. & when she isint gona send a document then say la , akid gonna send or what , SRSLY WHAT IS WITH HER.

Nice company i must say but rlly , when its comes to standing by your friend or whatever, whaaaa srsly , i miss IJ friends.Poly friends are people who ake me feel liek they only want to have fun. Hate that.Rllly.

Should have believe wei when she talked about micro.

I swear , that SW mgt , I WILL not do with her or akid.
God knows what they've been saying but i dun care either. It doesnt really matter and i dun feel bad for pushin for the report.THEY WERE TAKING THEIR FUCKING TIME. u have trng , SO DO I . now , GO AND DIE.

And screw the track club rooom la , its a fucking sports club thing man ,

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