Monday, September 24, 2007

Beeen feeling alright lately.
Just a little confused I guess.

1.I dont know if I should delete zhiyi from my msn.

I mean , I really dont want to be reminded of her.
Dont wanna be reminded of how we sused to have such good times but now we hardly talk.
& honestly I am quite annoyed that she only came running back when she was upset.
Sometimes I think what Mel did to her was her karma , for all the other things she did to ppl.

How I miss those times when we were really close but I constantly remind myself that I am definetly better of without her now & so many good things have happened to me over the past few months.
New team , classmates , results , things have been going great.
Maybe its just hard to let go but , I know in time to come I will.
I have to right ?
I think I find it so difficult to let go because they are closer to valerietheuglymouseofabitch but well , its okay cause I know for sure I am doing better than them.
Smoke your life away , I dont care about you.
Cause in reality , you are my competitor in life.

2.Triple-D & no results.

This makes me sad & frustrated but I only have myself to blame.
I seriously wish I could glue my mouth , get pills or go into a suana or something.
Okay , So I'm really counting on fit.
Sometimes it really gets tiring to triple-D everyday , esp when u have to face that STUPID wall.
Using the jacket supposedly burns more , but MY OH MY , how come I dont see anything.
Today I realised that my right side of my face is fatter than the left.

3.I miss going for all kinds of trainings.

Well simply cos It means i dun have to triple-D infront of the bloody walls.
Ergh , I wanna go for floorball with charlene , field with akid & netball with difRays.

4.I think one of my classmates is fake.
Esp this particular one.
I mean , why do ppl have to be who they arent ?
Its really so annoying , its really gets on my nerves yknow !

I guess thats all for today.
I believe that through prayer , god answers & he definetly listens too.

I just bought a book from my bro with different quotes for different days.
Not baddddd.
Gets e thinkning actually.

Alright , I'm sorry zy but I really have to delete you from my msn , its the only way.
Gooodbye my friend.

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