Friday, June 27, 2008

Everyone pls say hello to the Ds !

Totallllllly distracting plsss.
I want to die.
Mondayyy is making me so OMGGG.
I canot stop looking at - during TRNG.
I am so deadddd.
I think about - when i have nothing to do.
I am really dead.

I saw Jerald ytd.
Omgggg looooks as goood as ever !
I wannna die , can totally melt.
I suck la whalauuuu.

Trng tmr , i am totally gonna embarrass myself, I wanna die :/

Menses pls go away, LOVE.

& I realise, I relate well to heem wei just that sometimes she can be a little proud but i feel more comfortable relating to her than shoes , sometimes i realyl dont know like .... all of us have been classmates for a year already but lik everyone's nonsense is only starting to come out now & alissa is omggg , srsly.WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER.

I am so tiredddd ):

I dont know if I'm looking forward to tmr actually , maybe the sun. HAHAHAH !

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